“ISHINTAISEN -GEKI-” released! Social game set at the end of samurai period in Japan
Real-time battle of 100 patriots such as Ryoma Sakamoto and Toshizo Hijikata
ISHINTAISEN -GEKI-, a social game set at the end of the samurai period in Japan, has been released from Mobage.

On May 31, 2012, KAYAC started providing “ISHINTAISEN -GEKI-” a social game set at the end of the samurai period in Japan.
In this game, a player joins a battle between the Shogunate Army led by Atsuhime and the New Government Army led by Ryoma Sakamoto at the end of the Edo Era. A player serves as a leader of a team under either of the armies.
About 100 famous historic figures such as Ryoma Sakamoto, Shinsaku Takasugi, Atsuhime, Toshizo Hijikata, and Matthew Perry appear as “patriots.”